Wellness, medical wellness

Brigetio Spa - Komárom

Recent excavations have shown that the bathing culture in Komárom-Brigetio was already important 1700 years ago. Whether the inhabitants of Brigetio knew about the healing treasures hidden in the earth is not known, but it is known that the Romans used the thermal water to relieve arthritis and rheumatism. The baths were an important place of social life and recreation. So it is today: come to us to heal, relax and recharge your batteries! One of the main attractions of Komárom, the city of fortresses, is its high-quality thermal water. The Brigetio Spa is located in the heart of the city. The 62 degree Celsius water, which was declared a medicinal water in 1967, has been serving our guests for almost 50 years.
Indulge yourself in our sauna garden! The sauna garden is designed with natural materials such as wood, stone and tiles. The Roman-style rooms include two Finnish saunas, a steam sauna, a Kneipp tread room and a salt room.

H-2800 Tatabánya, Fő tér 4 • +36 30 620 4182 • info@duna-gerecse.hu