Burda Mountains

Burda Mountains

The Kovácspataki Mountains (also known as Helembai Mountains, Burda in Slovak, formerly Kováčovské kopce) are a small piece of Börzsöny beyond Ipoly, the southernmost and lowest mountain in Slovakia, which has a specific microclimate. Nature reserve.

The Kovácspataki Mountains rise north of the Visegrád Mountains, on the left bank of the Danube. It is bordered on the south by the Danube, on the east by the Ipoly, on the north by the villages of Leléd and Bajta, on the west by Garamkövesd, the Garam and Bajtai streams. It got its name from the Kovácspatak resort between Garamkövesd and Helemba.

Nature conservation areas and hiking trails

In the area of ​​the Kovácspataki Mountains, there are also two nature reserves. Both were created in 1966: one with the name Kovácspataki Mountains (south) on an area of ​​364 hectares, the other – the former Lelédi forest – with the name Kovácspataki Mountains (north) on an area of ​​199 hectares.

There are three marked tourist routes in the area. The red sign goes east from Garamkövesd across the Kovácspataki rocks to the (former) Kovácspatak railway station; the yellow sign goes east from the Kovácspatak railway station to the Kovácspatak recreation area, and the blue sign – as a continuation of the latter – turns north through the Nagy-völgy to the Ipoly-menedékház (Helembaipusztai hunting lodge), from here it goes west for a while on the forestry road leading to Bajtára, then further, it joins the red-marked trail from Rakottyás Lake below Király Hill. The view from the rocks towards Esztergom and the Visegrád Mountains is unparalleled.

The landscape and wildlife between Garamkövesd and Kovácspatak - approx. It can be covered in 2 hours, is 5 km long and has a difference in elevation of 220 m, with 6 stations and is presented along the red tourist trail.

H-2800 Tatabánya, Fő tér 4 • +36 30 620 4182 • info@duna-gerecse.hu