The stable is located in Dunaalmás, right next to road number 10. You can come individually, with friends, family or even as part of a company event. Here you can go back in history many hundreds of years: you can learn to ride a horse, archery, throw a spear, build a fire in the open air, make clay pots, sing and dance. You can take part - even according to your individual idea - on a horse or carriage tour, an adventure tour, a test of courage at night or even an ancient legion exercise.
The riding school is located 42 km from Budapest on an area of 35 hectares, in a beautiful environment surrounded by forests. In addition to the indoor riding arena, two outdoor tracks provide training opportunities. Grass paddocks and off-road opportunities make the free time spent together by riders and their horses more enjoyable.
Opposite the officer's casino is the Szapáry castle complex, which today is the center of the Bábolna National Stud. Within the walls of the old castle, in the stables, you can admire the most beautiful specimens of the Shagya Arabians and the noble thoroughbred Arabian breeds. You can also see the stables, the indoor riding hall, the carriage museum and the Heroes' Gate. The Reformed church built between 1932 and 1942 is located in the front garden of the castle. Outside the stud stands the Catholic church, which already existed in the 1720s and forms an organic unity with the farm. In front of the Catholic church, Iván Szabó's 1956 horse statue entitled "For the Most Faithful Comrade" has its place of honor. Here they commemorate the major wars and campaigns in which puppet horses were used. One of the stud commanders, Tibor Pettkó-Szandtner, was the founder of modern chariot racing. After World War II, he also worked as the head of the Egyptian king's stud farm. In the breeding of thoroughbred Arabians, pure Egyptian Arabian thoroughbreds are of outstanding importance. The Shagya breed is characterized not only by its elegance, harmonious movement, good intentions and the ability of horses to learn, but above all by its great resistance and ideal dimensions. The racing horses from Bábolna proved their name with outstanding performances not only in Hungary, but also on the racetracks of Europe.
Horse riding, riding lessons, horse riding, cross-country riding, stables. A child-friendly stable, with a playground, several therapy dogs, a reading corner, awaits children and their parents who may not be able to ride a horse. "Horseback riding is really not a sport. MUCH MORE THAN THAT!”
The town of Henryx Western is located in the village of Császár, in the northern part of Hungary, in the county of Komárom-Esztergom. A unique western town in Hungary, which revives the era of the old Wild West. There are several museums on the farm, where 95% of the objects on display come from America. The western town is constantly developing, plans include a sawmill and a gold panning plant. The services include free horseback riding, horse-drawn carriage rides, and stagecoach rides.
The Maximum Riding Club is located in Öregmajor, Komárom – Esztergom county, next to the village of Bajna, about 45 km west of Budapest, where the air of the Gerecse is clean and fresh, where nature is untouched and the landscape is beautiful, where horse and rider are in good hands there is
The hundred-hectare private area, far from inhabited settlements and roads, as well as the directly connected forests and pastures, offer unparalleled riding and hiking opportunities. in addition to providing tuition and riding lessons, we also organize children's riding camps, team building trainings, and multi-day tours.